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resilients:working_notes [2013-02-12 03:36] – Links to resilients:foreground_research changed to resilients:future_preparedness_notes majaresilients:working_notes [2017-01-18 01:43] (current) – old revision restored (2014/02/11 05:56) nik
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 ==== Working notes ==== ==== Working notes ====
-Here you will find the collected links to the raw notes, ideasand inspiration that went into The Resilients project.+ 
 +Here you will find the collected links to the raw notes, ideas and inspiration that went into the Resilients project.  
 +=== Future Preparedness and prehersals ===
   * [[future_preparedness_notes|Future preparedness in practice]]   * [[future_preparedness_notes|Future preparedness in practice]]
 +  * [[Future preparedness]]
 +  * [[Future preparedness notes]]
 +  * [[Scenario planning]]
 +  * [[scenario_workshop_201205|Scenario planning workshop notes]]
 +  * [[future preparedness summary dutch|Summary of Future Preparedness in Dutch]]
 +  * [[Open foresight]]
 +  * [[The Flotilla]]
 +  * [[Flotilla debrief]]
 +  * [[Flotilla shiplog]]
 +  * [[Flotilla survival guide]]
 +  * [[success incubator|Incubator for successful individuals and artists]]
 +  * [[Weekend Superheroes]]
 +  * [[Naikan]]
 +  * [[Transgenerational Residency]]
 +=== Control of the Commons ===
   * [[coc project notes|Control of the Commons working notes]]   * [[coc project notes|Control of the Commons working notes]]
 +  * [[Subak construction notes]]
 +  * [[Subak2 construction notes]]
 +  * [[Non green gardening notes]]
 +=== Débrouillardise et Coquetterie ===
 +  * [[debrouillardise_et_coquetterie|Débrouillardise et Coquetterie]]
 +  * [[Contacted archive centers for resilient wwii textiles]]
 +  * [[sidenotes_historical_readings_wii_-_tex_-_resilience|Sidenotes for the Débrouillardise et Coquetterie project]]
 +  * [[Some notes on my way of hybridizing ethnography with the ethics of textile conservation]]
 +  * [[From the perspective of clothing as a resistance strategy]]
 +  * [[interview jeanne and jacoba from pacheco|Interview with Jeanne and Jacoba from Pachéco]]
 +  * [[interview_jeanne_van_molenbeek|Interview with Jeanne from Molenbeek]]
 +  * [[interview_therese_from_uccle|Interview with Therese from Uccle]]
 +=== Unmanned Resilience ===
 +  * [[SINUNI]]
 +  * [[SINUNI workshop]]
 +  * [[How to eat wild]]
 +  * [[Unmanned Resilience notes]]
 +  * [[Mobile ecology|Mobile ecology data entry and recording observations]]
 +  * [[Jesusautobot]]
 +=== Peregrini ===
 +  * [[Saints and venerative places workshop]]
 +  * [[The Peregrini]]
 +=== Misc ===
 +  * [[Documentation|Documentation and dissemination notes for the Resilients project as a whole]]
 +  * [[Disaster studies]]
 +  * [[Resilience]]
 +  * [[:Fragility and Antifragility]]
 +  * [[Guild notes]]
 +  * [[taleb_s_rules|Taleb's rules]]
 +  * [[Survivalist green]]
 +  * [[The Colony|Notes on the TV series The Colony]]
 +  * [[publication guidelines|Rt publication guidelines]]
  • resilients/working_notes.1360640168.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013-02-12 03:36
  • by maja