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Click on the green headings to hear their stories and learn more

Liesbeth Hiele
Bee expert

Growing food and helping to build community

Connecting community to local food and farmers. The story of a new group starting in Gentbrugge

A socio-artistic organisation, connecting art, culture and the environment in their latest project in Muide

Green Track & Food For Thought
Green initiatives from the cultural sector led by Vooruit

Boerse Poort
Ecological allotments in Brugse Poort

Volkstuinen Sloterkouter
The story of Sara Standaert and her allotment

De Tuinmuur
A project by Piet Recour helping to green the streets

Eva Peeters
A well connected Gent resident

Organic Vegetarian Restaurant, Permaculture courses, Edible garden

De wereld van Kina

local food picnicking:

het landhuis (squat and urban garden)

guerilla gardeners:

ugent1010 (students and sustainability):

EVA (vegetarian society):

Wijveld (farm where you can go and pick your own food):

Callas Confiture (artisanal preserves):

Social gardens:

De Volkstuin (Gardeners association):

Huis van alijn (small museum interested in being more sustainable)

De Papegaai (organic fries, organic veg-boxes…):

  • gent_plant_people.1351008437.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012-10-23 16:07
  • by imogen