This is an old revision of the document!

Brief: using scenario methods to design one or more storyworlds that can be used for a physical narrative and possibly a prehearsal (or the combination of both); the physical narrative should be light and portable, to be used in a hotel room and an exhibition in Austria and Cluj in September and October, and possibly in Belgium in the autumn. This all sounds easy enough, until the second part of the brief is introduced: the process should be akin to lucid dreaming…

lucid dreaming: awareness of the fact that you’re dreaming

  • first thing to do is to broaden your awareness even before you fall asleep
  • asleep, dreaming - becoming aware of dreaming, observing it as it comes, without interfering
  • gradually if you want to you can begin to steer it.
  • make your own reality

translation into the scenario process

  • opening the process to different ways of knowing - pre-rational, somatic, interpersonal, emergent…
  • non-predictive methods: KPU-framework, used to structure thinking about the present and Causal Layered Analysis, designed to probe into deeper cultural and mythological origins of scenarios
  • interspersed with processes from improvisation, creative writing, surrealism and other techniques not usually associated with a futures exercise

for participants:

  • the methods used shouldn’t really matter. you also don’t have to know exactly what happens next: as in dreams, go with the flow and try to be as open as possible.
  • today is less about 'understanding exactly what’s going on' and more about trusting your gut feelings and unconscious mind * letting ideas flow from you and through you - try not to block anything that comes to mind. do not worry about anything seeming silly, stupid, or unrelated - nothing you do or say today can fall into those categories.
  • if something feels uncomfortable or makes you insecure, try letting go of these feelings and approach every exercise with curiosity - “the beginners’ mind”; if it doesn’t work after a while, feel free to step out and take some distance for a while, then come back…
  • let your mind loose and watch your inhibitions melt away
  • trust yourself, trust the people around you, trust the process

Process: scenario_building_as_lucid_dreaming

What do we know?

What can we assume?

What would we like to know?

What does this world look like?

Who are the inhabitants?

What are the characteristics of inhabitants?

What do the inhabitants do?

What tools do they use?

Where are you, the dreamer?

What are the inhabitants problems and dreams

What forces influence the inhabitants’ dreams and problems? larger systems?

  • future_fabulators/lucid_dreaming_a_storyworld.1401720023.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014-06-02 14:40
  • by maja