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Deliberately creating chaos rather goes against the grain for electrical engineers. Though students are often taught how to build circuits that behave chaotically, this is for one reason only: so that they will know how to avoid chaotic behaviour in the circuits they design later in their careers. The challenge is that chaotic signals can form spontaneously in devices like amplifiers, seeded by nothing more than background noise. This produces an oscillating current that can quickly swamp the desired signal. Because of the apparent randomness of their output, these circuits are sometimes used in random number generators. Ditto reasoned, however, that beneath the chaos the output is cycling through a set of predictable voltages, and by nudging the circuit he ought to be able to stabilise it into any one of a number of states. This could be used to construct a logic gate. –

  • chaos_computing.txt
  • Last modified: 2008-10-30 16:32
  • by nik
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