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category_index [2009-09-23 10:22] – WQwAwqkeFCHVFyiH [2009-09-23 11:59] – old revision restored
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-FDGuhb  <href="http://nslwtesnobgk.com/">nslwtesnobgk</a>, [url=http://zxtzjxkwbbup.com/]zxtzjxkwbbup[/url][link=http://ivqpdmpeoqxk.com/]ivqpdmpeoqxk[/link], http://mzjqaqeezfjc.com/+ 
 +==== note (or two) on categorisation ==== 
 +"These ambiguities, redundancies and deficiencies remind us of those which doctor Franz Kuhn attributes to a certain Chinese encyclopaedia entitled 'Celestial Empire of benevolent Knowledge'. In its remote pages it is written that the animals are divided into(a) belonging to the emperor, (b) embalmed, ( c ) tame, (d) sucking pigs, (e) sirens, (f) fabulous, (g) stray dogs, (h) included in the present classification, (i) frenzied, (j) innumerable, (k) drawn with a very fine camelhair brush, (l) et cetera, (m) having just broken the water pitcher, (n) that from a long way off look like flies." -- [[Jorge Luis Borges]] 
 +"I'm not fan of classification. It's very difficult to come up with a classification scheme that's useful when what you're most interested in is things that don't fit inthings that you didn't expect." -- [[Ward Cunningham]] 
 +on "Classification and Categorization" http://www.metabang.com/unclog/publisha/classifi.html 
 +==== categorical acceptance ==== 
 +partially successful attempts at classification of the sprawling subject matters at hand. 
 +for example.. 
 +  * Sounds and music 
 +    * [[Online Labels]
 +    * [[Free Media Tools]
 +    * [[Algorithmic Music]] 
 +    * [[Digital Signal Processing]] 
 +    * [[Sound Software]] 
 +    * [[Media Synthesis]] 
 +  * [[Computer Science]] has a category collection all of its own 
 +  * Art and Artists 
 +    * [[Algorithmic Art]] 
 +    * [[Artificial Life]] 
 +    * [[Alex Grey]] 
 +    * [[SciArt]] 
 +    * [[Graphic Art]] 
 +    * [[Glitch Art]] 
 +    * [[InterMedia]] 
 +    * [[Typography]] 
 +  * paradoxes starting with "F" 
 +    * [[Fermi Paradox]] 
 +    * Fisch ([[Labyrinth Fisch]] and the [[InterFisch]]) 
 +    * [[Folksonomy]] 
 +  * [[SciFi]] psionic frictions 
 +  * Things to do 
 +    * [[Universe Building]] 
 +    * [[Tryptamine Chemistry]] 
 +    * [[World Jumping]] 
 +    * make more categories 
 +==== categorical classifications ==== 
 +"EXAMINATION OF THE SYSTEMIC PROPERTIES AND FORMS of interaction that characterize classification and categorization reveals fundamental syntactic differences between the structure of classification systems and the structure of categorization systems. These distinctions lead to meaningful differences in the contexts within which information can be apprehended and influence the semantic information available to the individual. Structural and semantic differences between classification and categorization are differences that make a difference in the information environment by influencing the functional activities of an information system and by contributing to its constitution as an information environment." 
 +==== Camel hair brushes, circus animals and sundry miscellanea ==== 
 +check if it is possible to automatically create a list of topics that are "categories" using dokuwiki... 
 +** categories from the former libarynth...** 
 +  * [[Category Anime]
 +  * [[Category Biology]
 +  * [[Category Computer Science]] 
 +  * [[Category Consciousness]] 
 +  * [[Category Corporatism]] 
 +  * [[Category Energy]] 
 +  * [[Category Food]] 
 +  * [[Category Gardens]] 
 +  * [[Category Index]] 
 +  * [[Category Luminous Green]] 
 +  * [[Category Mathematics]] 
 +  * [[Category Network]] 
 +  * [[Category Physics]] 
 +  * [[Category Radio]] 
 +  * [[Category Robotics]] 
 +  * [[Category Science]] 
 +  * [[Category Test]] 
 +  * [[Category Theory]] 
 +and of coursethere is all the other stuff i forgot to mention ->  [[Web Index]] (NOTEthis page was known as CategoryIndex in a former incarnation) 
  • category_index.txt
  • Last modified: 2013-12-18 12:18
  • by theunkarelse