Adam, Hans Christian. Karl Blossfeldt
Alderbey-Williams, Hugh. Zoomorphic
Alexander, Christopher. The Timeless Way of Building
Benioff, Marc. The Business of Changing the World
Bey, Hakim. TAZ
Bourriaud, Nicholas. Relational Aesthetics
Boyle, David. Authenticity
Bradford, Travis. Solar Revolution
Brilliat-Savarin. The Physiology of Taste
Brownell, Blaine. Transmaterial
Bruce Mau and Jennifer Leonard. Massive Change
CAE. The Molecular Invasion
Caford, Max. The Surre(gion)alist Manifesto
Certeau, Michel. The Practice of Everyday Life
Dawkins, Richard. The Extended Phenotype
Esby, Daniel C. and Winston, Andrew S. Green to Gold
Federici, Silvia. Caliban and the Witch
Flannery, Tim. The Weathermakers
Fleischhauer, Steffen G. Enzyklopedie der essbaren Wildpflanzen
Fukuoka, Masanobu. The One-Straw Revolution
Fuller, Buckminster. Critical Path
Fuller, Matthew. Media Ecologies
Geiser, Kenneth. Materials Matter
Gershenfeld, Neil. Fab
Gray, Christopher. Leaving the 20th Century
Hervé This. Molecular Gastronomy
Holmgren, David. Permaculture
Jeudy, Henry-Pierre. Social Overload
Jones, Catherine A. Sensorium
Kane, Pat. The Play Ethic.
Katz, Eric. Beneath the Surface
Klanten, Robert, Mischler, Mika and Ehmann, Sven. Into the Nature of Creatures and Wilderness
Kuzmanovic, Maja et al (Ed.). x-med-a
Leach, Neil. Camouflage
Lovelock, James. The Revenge of Gaia
Lubbers, Eveline. Battling Big Business
Luhman, Niklas. Ecological Communication
Materio. Material World 2
McDonough, William. Cradle to Cradle
McKenna, Terence. The Archaic Revival
Nevejan, Caroline. Presence and the Design of Trust
Nyerges, Christopher. Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants
Pawlick, Thomas F. The End of Food
Pollan, Michael. The Botany of Desire
Richardson, Joanne. Anarchitexts
Richardson, Phyllis. Big Ideas, Small Buildings (XS Green)
Steffen, Alex, et al. Worldchanging, A User's Guide to the 21st Century
Sterling, Bruce. Shaping Things
Subtle Technologies 2006, Proceedings. Responsive Architectures
Tao, Xiaoming. Smart Fibers, Fabrics and Clothing
Thackara, John. In the Bubble
Thompson, D'Arcy. On Growth and Form
Virilio, Paul. Popular Defence and Ecological Struggles
Volk, Tyler. Gaia's Body
Watson, David. Against the Megamachine
Watson, David. Beyond Bookchin
Weiner, Annette B. Cloth and the human experience
Whitelaw, Mitchell. Meta Creation
Wilson, Edward O. Consilience
Wilson, Peter Lamborn. Avant Gardening
Wilson, Peter Lamborn. Pirate Utopias