Table of Contents

Growth Model

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The GROWTH model leads teams through the 4Ws of Innovation and the Why, What, Who and hoW questions. (For the German speakers, we really get 4 Ws: Warum, Was, Wer und Wie.)

The purpose of this group coaching technique is to find a common ground for the participants to work on. We begin with defining a goal that emerged from a visioning session, then explore the reality or feasibility of the visions in order to brainstorm a series of options and look at their benefits and drawbacks.


GOAL - Transformative

The result of the session is a list of goals that the group agrees are worth pursuing.

REALITY - Objective

The result of this session is a list of features, needs and ways to meet the needs.

OPTIONS - Creative

The result of this session is a series of options (solutions, processes, ideas…) that would achieve the goals.

OPTIONS - Positive

You have generated a set of options. Looking back at these options,

The result of this session is a list of benefits for all options generated in the previous session.

OPTIONS - Critical

This session builds on the previous two, but focuses on honestly and constructively criticising the generated ideas. Looking back at the options,

After coming up with a set of options and examining their risks and benefits, it’s time to examine them through the filter of the participants’ 'gut' instinct, then look at how the individual instincts can be brought together and agreed upon by the group.

WILL - Intuitive

TIME - Organised

HEALTH - Energised
