Focus: how do we want to work and collaborate together from now onwards?
Present: Luea, Michka, Rasa, Ingrid, Maja
communication (online)
= good practices for healing and trust - communication ground rules for being a collective without the space
New Rules:
Slack is the main communication tool (set up by Ingrid) with categories:
(and possibly also: #unknown, #linkz, #urgent reply)
Be committed to respond to emails on internal lists & slack when a reaction is requested. At least send a [*]
write in the #urgent reply slack channel or write “RESPOND” in the email subject line
we <3 Doodle
we set timeframes for closing a doodle
once a doodle is closed, it’s closed
we commit to a date, even if someone has to cancel
We will use ‘zoom’ on Luea’s account
Still questions:
updates & exchange (online & in real life)
(starting in september)
calls: every 6 weeks
Short live meetings: a monthly “strammtisch”
Retreat: Once a year preferably in the spring
Subwiki for inner circle Bxl as a knowledge repository
Digital updates on practice —> see the procedures already in place within the FoAM network
collective practice
Workshops on topics we want to investigate further / workshops we want to give. These will be internal + open to external people for money.A wiki will be set up with requests & offers. Ingrid wants to organize.
Experiences for the FoAM Bxl inner circle (still to define what that will be and how it will be organized)
Our previously articulated interests & practices will find a place here as well:
Process facilitation for multistakeholder networks
Economic sustainability
Action Research
Why + How
Facilitation x Making for engineers
Integrative facilitation
Toolbox + peer learning environment