==== books ==== * excerpts http://exploreit.net/improvethought/flow1.htm) * Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,' (Harper & Row, 1990) * 'Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life' (Basic Books, 1997). * etc+ ==== 'flow' summary ==== * The activity must present just the right amount of challenge: If the activity is too hard, we become frustrated; if too easy, boredom ensues. * There must be clear and unambiguous goals in mind. * There needs to be clear-cut and immediate feedback about the activity's success. * Finally, our focus during the activity must center on the present ñ the activity itself. ==== interviews /articles ==== * http://www.apa.org/monitor/jul98/joy.html * http://hotwired.lycos.com/collections/web_development/4.09_csik_pr.html ==== sites / resources ==== * http://www.unrealities.com/essays/flow.htm ==== flow in HCI ==== * Interfaces for Staying in the Flow >> http://www.acm.org/ubiquity/views/v5i27_bederson.html