==== Luminous Green Workshop ==== Organised by Marko Peljhan On February 19 and 20 2009 the LUMINOUS GREEN OPEN SPACE WORKSHOP will take place at UCSB. The UCSB workshop will be devoted to a trandisciplinary discussion on the potential of art/science alliances for world changing activities and will involve a plethora of artists, academics, humanists, social and natural scientists and engineers in discussions devoted to strategizing future world systems that will go beyond the current status quo. Is there anything that we can learn from existing social experiments, or the fringes of arts, design and technology to help us make our economic and political systems less fragile and unstable? What can artists, designers and engineers learn from the way policy and business approach the global environmental turbulences? Are individual ethical horizons and participation the basis of any world changing activities? The second day will be devoted to an Open Space Session connected to the UCSB West Campus spaces and the experimental Media Arts and Technology Program and SciARC student STEM initiative.