2012-11-22 14:03:13 by Maja Kuzmanovic

“Naikan is a method of intensive self-reflection that can lead to more inner freedom and joy. A week of Naikan allows you to examine your view on life by observing your inner world, calmly, in a completely safe space. The silence and withdrawal enable a deep, meditative and emotionally intense experience, by which self-perception can be re-calibrated and a fresh view on our life story can take place.” - From Christina Stadlbauer's page: http://shiatsubrussel.be/index.php?/english/naikan---looking-inside/

We will use Naikan at FoAM in the Future Preparedness case study of the Resilients project. Our hypothesis is that individual introspection, when done as part of a collective in their common workspace, could greatly improve the group's collaboration and communication processes, making them more resilient overall. We work with Helga Hartl as the guide during the retreat, and Alkan Chipperfield will provide some anthropological contextualisation post-retreat. Ten Naikan participants come from FoAM Brussels and Amsterdam, as well as our wider network of collaborators.

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